Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Productive Morning

I've had a great morning.

First of all, I got up and did about 10 minutes of yoga using the Wii. It felt good just to stretch and hold (though I don't hold to the yoga philosophy, I do think they are great stretches and really like how Wii does it.)

Then, I met up with my friend and our girls played together while we went on our "run." We did W3D1! This is the week you jump to a 3 minute run, and I was worried about it. Two minute runs have ben hard. Well, we both did our 3 minute runs... twice! That met one of my first goals - to be able to run 2.5 minutes! I am really proud of myself. This seemed so impossible a month ago. Yeah, me! emoticon

Next, I got ready and took my daughter to camp and then went to work out with my personal trainer. We worked on upper body for about 45 minutes. My dh and I decided that I won't stick with the trainer, but I enjoyed my workout today and will do one tomorrow, also. He is also helping me just plan my goals for the next few months. I might be back to him when I get closer to my April triathlon. emoticon

After that, I went to Nutrition Depot to get some liquid vitamins my trainer recommended. I stayed about 45 minutes there and got a lot of information. I also ended up buying some fish oil. Hopefully I can swallow it! And, he made me my lunch - 4 or 5 egg whites mixed with some protein. It was actually quite good! It tasted like cake batter, but very healthy!

Next I went to the YMCA that is by my daughter's classes. I am thinking about joining the Y as I re-evalutated 'why' I wanted a gym membership. The main reasons are that I want a safe (and dry! and cool!) place to run, swim, and cycle. Well, this small gym doesn't fit that description, but the Y does. And, it is a very nice place. I was also thrilled to learn that when my dd turns 10 this fall, she can join me on the cardio equipment! (but no weights) I'm wondering if she can join me for aerobic classes, too, but I forgot to ask. Anyway, this will help a LOT!

I might do some Wii tonight and I have a swim scheduled in the morning - weather permitting! Have a healthy day!

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