Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Picking a Gym...Daughter Can Workout, Too!

It is supposed to rain tomorrow. A lot. So, I was fretting about how to get in my run. I decided I really needed to go ahead and join a gym.

I've been doing a lot of research on gym memberships. I've belonged to 4 different ones over the past 9 years. What I wanted was as follows:
- an indoor track to run on when the weather isn't great (I don't really like treadmills)
- an indoor track to run on when it is dark out in the am - for safety
- an indoor pool to swim at year round
- spinning classes
- early classes - so I can go before my dh leaves for work and I don't have to worry about my dd
- exercise bikes - so I can 'bike' anytime, not just when there are spin classes

So, after doing a lot of research on a lot of places, I decided the local YMCA was the place for me. (And, yes, this is one of the places I was a member! In fact, it was my first gym here... about 9 years ago when my dd was a toddler.)

Well, I went today and signed up. And, it is better than I even thought! I'm so excited!

1. There are 2 aerobics classes my dd can do with me - a zumba (which I don't know much about, but I've heard is an exciting new class) and an NIA (which looks like it is a mix of things). Yeah! She's excited, too.
2. Since she is 9 (it starts at 8), she can do the cardio machines with me! She's excited and can't wait to go... in the morning. The rules are that she has to stay on a machine right next to me, but that will work! She REALLY does NOT want to go to childcare anymore.
3. She can run on the track with me! And, she doesn't have to stay right next to me. We can each go at our own pace. So, we are doing that in the morning and she's excited. She'll have her iPod with her, and hopefully she'll enjoy it.
4. She can swim laps with me! This will be wonderful after this summer. She does need to get "tested", but she's been on a swim team for 4 years, so I'm assuming she'll be fine.
5. All of the cardio machines have TVs... a big plus for my dd!
6. They have these NEAT new bikes in the cardio room that have video screens. You can have a virtual outdoors ride AND you can race the person on the bike next to you! My dd is really excited about this one. (Me, too!)
7. They have 2 stair machines... one of my favorites. (As I mentioned, I really don't care for the treadmil, though I do like ellipticals.)
8. They have some spin bikes in the cardio room. Hmmm... not sure how I'd manage this with dd, though. I'm sure they are too big for her. But, they are right next to the cool bikes, so maybe that will work?
9. They offer 2 classes each morning (usually 5:45 and 6:00) that I could go to before my dh goes to work. They are a variety of classes and I love doing group classes. I'm not planning on adding any in right away, but I'm excited about trying some at some point!

So, my dd and I are thrilled with all of the things we'll be able to do. And, I'm excited that I will be able to get in my 2nd run of the week tomorrow! **sigh** Things are really looking great. I CAN do this!!!

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