Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rough Day Turned GREAT!

I have ended up having a wonderful day after the rough start. (See post this morning.) I got my physical. I was feeling pretty nauseous by the time it was over - I didn't get to eat until 10:20. But, I'm so glad to have that over with!

After my appointment, I went to Target and got some major shopping done. Then, off to the mall! (If you remember, my daughter is at camp so it was a rare opportunity to shop by myself.)

Well, I tried on a size smaller clothes - and EVERYTHING I tried on FIT!! It was so nice! And, I thought I looked really nice and could live without losing another pound! But, I still plan on losing more. It was just fun to keep trying on clothes and they looked nice and fit!

Then, I got a spur of the moment hair cut! (I'll try to post a photo tomorrow.) I just went and let the hairstylist do what she wanted. It turned out really cute!

After the mall, I went home and laid on the couch and read awhile. Then, my hubby called and said he was coming home to take me out to dinner to celebrate what happened at work today. It was a "big thing" that's been in the works for months, and it became official today! So, we went out to a fancy place - me with my new clothes and haircut - and had a wonderful dinner. I did really good, except I had a soda. It's my first in 2 months (I think) and it just wasn't worth it. I wish I wouldn't have, ordered it, but I did! (The water didn't have ice in it and wasn't refreshing.)

So, that's how my day turned around! Now I have one more busy day before I pick my daughter up from camp. I can't wait to see her!

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