Sunday, July 18, 2010

More Obstacles!

Well, my husband's schedule this week has thrown me a curve. To get in my workouts, I've been getting up at 6 to swim or run before he leaves at 7 or 7:15. Well, he said he has to leave by 6:30 every day this week - and not getting home until 10 or so. (Yes, it is a crazy week!)

We aren't comfortable with my running that early on my own. And, the pool is only open to us from 6:30-7:30. Too early to drag my dd out! (Besides my morning workout, I get another one in later in the day..)

So, what am I going to do???

Well, I can swim at home. It isn't as much fun and I don't have any buddies, but it can be done. I WILL swim at home this week.

Running? I have a friend I can ask. We could go at 6... maybe.We really have trouble getting together & have only ran twice together. Or I can have my dd run with me on the track at the Y, though she really doesn't like that very much. I can just run twice during the week and get my third run in on Saturday.

I'm not sure, but I'll just have to make it work, somehow! It won't be as easy as it has been, but I'll make it work. I'm really disappointed because I've been enjoying my morning workouts so much, but hubby's work comes first!

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