Saturday, July 17, 2010


My dd9 and I went to our first zumba class today. It was wonderful! I miss going to classes and was thrilled that my dd could join me for this one.

The Y that we joined last week offers two family zumba classes a week - one on Monday night (will try to make it this week!) and one on Saturday morning. There were about 60 people in the class including about 15 kids! It was wonderful. And, we all had so much fun "dancing" to the music. And, I burned over 400 calories! Yippee!

On the other hand, I broke my "C25K 3x per week" streak today. My dh had to get up at 5 to go somewhere, so I couldn't run in the morning. I decided I'd either go to the gym or run outside when he got home. Well, he didn't get home & settled in until 5:30 so we went to dinner. We got home at 6:30 and my husband reminded me that the Y closes early on Saturdays... at 7! So, I couldn't go there. I thought I'd wait an hour and run... and then the thunder & lightening started up. It went on for several hours and didn't quit until dark. So, I didn't get to run. It is really frustrating!

That also means I WILL run tomorrow, even though it is supposed to be my "rest day." I'll have to try to throw in a rest day during the week, though I know I won't unless I just can't find the time to exercise.

Anyway, I'm really frustrated, but trying to make the best of it! I did exercise for 445 minutes this week... that's over 7 hours! And, I burned over 2600 calories. I think both of those are records for me. Also, I upped my "weekly goal" to 2000 (still not enough?) and so I've been getting to eat more calories every day. That's nice!!!

OK. I'll try to look at the positives. And, It is 9:24, but I could still eat 200 more calories and I might just go and get half a glass of milk. Actually, I will get some milk and grab a book or magazine and go read!

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