Sunday, July 18, 2010

What a Morning!!!

It's Sunday morning and this is supposed to be my Rest Day, but I missed my run yesterday. So, I woke up at 6:20 to go running. And, even in the midst of things falling apart, I had a good start to my day!

It started when I got to the park and started my iPod. It is messed up! Something about running tests and "not connected." Grrr! So, I went back to the car to put it up and realized I didn't have my new HRM with me. And, I didn't have my timer (which I used to run with) or my watch. So, how was I going to keep track of the time?

The park path is marked out at 1/4 miles, so I decided to walk 1/4 mile then run 1/4 mile and repeat it 3 times. This sounded pretty hard to me... and it was! But, I pushed & pushed and I DID IT! WOOHOO! SparkPeople was on my mind as I thought about the fact that I'd either get to blog that I did it... or that I gave up.

Anyway, just as I was headed for the car, a bird "got me", if you know what I mean! It wasn't a direct hit... more like some splattered on me. What a way to end my run!

I got home and for once I was really hungry! I just got some new Lean Body shakes, which I love, and opened one and nothing would come out. I got a knife thinking the seal hadn't broke, and still nothing! I squeezed... and plop, plop... this semi-solid 'stuff' started plopping out! EWWW!!! So, I opened another one, and same thing! YUCK! So, I guess I'll be returning that case today and hope that there are no problems since I don't have a receipt!

I did enjoy some time praying and singing praises in my head today as I ran. And, I enjoyed listening to the birds and watching the squirrels... they come right towards you if you are walking! It's almost scary! And, I saw a bunny. So, it has really been a nice morning, just filled with a few minor inconveniences!

I can't wait for my next run! This does get easier, right???

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