Thursday, July 8, 2010

2 Workouts Today

I had 2 long workouts today.

The first was at the Y with my daughter for the first time. I was amazed that she kept up with me as I did C25K W3D4! I walked & ran about 1.5 miles. (I need to figure out how to keep track of how many laps I've done.) She could do a quick walk and keep up with my running. Oh, well! I am getting better. The 3 minutes weren't too bad and now I'm trying to decide if I should move on to week 4 or do one more week 3. I'm also thinking about making my own workout - maybe run 3, walk 2 and repeat that 4 times.

After our walk/jog/run, we went to the cardio room. We did the stair climber. I did 5 minutes and she did 3. Then we went to the bicycles. They really are kind of like a video game! I choose a 2 mile loop around a college campus and we raced each other! (She only made it a mile, but I'm still very proud of her.) Anyway, you can actually shift gears and 'feel' the hills, etc! Very neat! I think I'll spend a lot of time here. They also have 'spin' bikes with computerized spin classes! I've got to try that out, too!

We did the Y in the morning. Before dinner, I did my lower body workout that my trainer prepared. It took 51 minutes and it was HARD! So, I'm pretty wiped out.

It was nice to sleep in, though, as I've been getting up at 6 & 6:15 lately so I can exercise before my hubby leaves for work. I got to sleep in until 6:30 and then didn't have to jump into my exercise right away.

Tomorrow's schedule: 30 minute lap swim in morning and my daughter and I might try a cardio class tomorrow afternoon!

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