Thursday, July 22, 2010

Trigger Foods

I guess I've always known that there are some foods that make me want MORE instead of leaving me feeling satisfied. Potato chips are like that. You know, "you can't eat just one!" Cheetos, too. My mom and I were in college together and she could go through half a bag studying the night before the test.

But, tonight I realized there must be other foods besides chips that leave me wanting more instead of satisfying me.

I had bought a box of 100 calorie treats - a mix of Reeses wafers and Hershey's chocolate covered pretzels. I haven't really been eating many sweets the past 7 weeks, but the past few nights I've been having a Reeses wafer. Chocolate is something I often crave and this 100 calorie 'dessert' has been satisfying me.

Tonight I thought I'd try the pretzel. It really didn't sound that tempting, but I thought I'd give it a try. One little nibble and my body started shouting "more!" I thought I should eat something healthier, but my body shouted "more!" So, I thought I'd go ahead and eat it and have a half glass of milk. Well, after I was done, my body was still shouting "more!" It was really an odd feeling. I knew I "had to" give my body more chocolate!

I actually had over 200 calories that I could eat for the day, so I ended up grabbing a 100 calorie Reeses wafer. Even with the first bite, I felt myself calm down and knew that I'd be OK. This was satisfying me and not making me want more.

So, I will not be touching those pretzels again. And, I'm going to try to pay attention to my body and watch for other 'trigger foods' that leave me wanting more, instead of satisfying me.

What about you... do you have trigger foods? If so, what are they? And, how do you handle them?

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