Saturday, September 11, 2010

I Ran My First 5K!!!

I did it! I ran my 'first' 5K!

So, some things I'm proud of:
... I finished!
... I broke a 15 minute mile (yeah!)
... I feel great and will definitely be running again

Some things I wish I would have done differently:
... ran the entire race - I walked a LOT of the last mile, but it was hot (mid-80's) and sunny and my HR was quite a bit above what it usually is
... finished under 45 minutes (I finished in 46 minutes 30 seconds - unofficially - I did complete the actual 3 miles in under 45 minutes! (barely)

This race was at our high school and the band was playing, the cheerleaders cheering, some of the choir sang, and the track team walked. There were about 400 people running and it was neat that the streets I drive on every day were blocked off for us to run on. I did not have any cramping issues (thankfully), though I did have a bit of a stitch in my side for awhile. I was running faster than I've ever ran - just a little bit - so I'm sure this added to it.

I was also disappointed that I was in the 'walkers' area as many people can walk as fast as I can run. It will be nice when I can actually run with the runners!

But, I am happy with myself. I'm glad I ran today and proud of myself for how far I've come in the past 3 months. And, I'm totally ready to run some more! My next race is the Komen Race for the Cure in Houston so it'll be a much bigger race. I'll follow that with the Komen in Dallas which will also be very big. I will just try to keep improving and enjoying myself.

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