Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 3

I had a great day. I had lots of energy and woke up at 5:30 (usually wake up at 6:15) and worked on bills & reconciling our bank account for 1.5 hours. I was HUNGRY and had breakfast at 6:15. We finished up school & I cleaned out both freezers and we cleaned out 3 of my daughter's toy drawers. So, besides taking better care of my body, I'm trying to get my house "in order", too.

As far as my health - I drank 10 glasses of water (this seems easy right now, though it used to "kill me") and stayed at the low end of my range for carbs, fat & calories. And, a lower protein total of 80 this time.

I realized something funny. Last time I started this diet, I realized I was a carb-o-holic. It was EXTREMELY hard for me to stay within the carb range. Between breads & fruits, I just kept going over... way over! Well, the past 2 nights I had to eat additional food just to get ENOUGH carbs! (I had half an apple yesterday to finish that off). So, I have really changed my mindset! I also used to really STRUGGLE to get enough protein, but I'm not finding that hard. I've been eating Bumble Bee tuna or chicken packets for lunch - I love them! And, they are a great source of protein.

Oh, and I made a healthy dinner last night. A new recipe - a type of chicken & noodle soup that everyone liked, though I'll make a few changes next time. Cooking is not something I do nearly enough of, so I'm giving myself a pat on the back for this one. And, I cooked Tuesday night, too.

I did work out with the Wii, but I wasn't feeling up to the cardio and mainly did yoga... which felt really good! I ended with 10 minutes of cardio. Oh, and I did some lower body work in the morning. Great day!!!

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