I am still in FL & having a wonderful time. We are having a great vacation...and I've had 3 wonderful morning runs on the beach!
My last run was Friday. My sister-in-law, the one who got me started running, got up at 6 am to run on the beach with me. (by the way, she used her Vibrams that she always uses, and had some toe problems like I did when running barefoot) Unfortunately, it was very overcast & we didn't see the sunrise. But, we had a great run!
She is a faster runner than I am, but hasn't been running much for the past month. We started with an easy run...which was faster than my usually 'easy' pace. We were going about 11:30 while I am almost always above 12 mins. We dropped down to 11:07 & held it there for about 1/3rd mile.
I had an idea. My fastest mile EVER was just the week before, and it was 11:30. Maybe my sil could pace me to a PR. I suggested it & she said sure! I was getting ready to say, "how about 11:07?" when she piped up, "you can do it in under 10."
"You think so?" I didn't think that was possible, but loved that fact that she believed I could. "I'll try!" was my reply.
We finished out our 1st mile. Then, we started our timed mile. "Go!"
She quickly jumped in front of me. I kept her about 5 or 6 strides in front of me. I glanced at my watch...8:30! I never run this fast!!!
She kept that pace for about 1/10th a mile then dropped a little...to somewhere in the 9's. At about 1/4 mile, I caught up to her...and ran past her! WooHoo! I was running hard, but it felt great!!
I kept running & she was no longer running behind me. I worried a little, but I figured she'd yell out if she was in trouble.
Every time I glanced at my watch, it was a 9 something. Wow!! I was going to break 10 minutes if I could keep this up! That was a goal for 2011!!!
At about 2/3rds of a mile, still feeling strong, I made a big arch so I could check on my sil. She was a long ways back, but slowly jogging towards me.
I pushed & pushed.....My breathing was fast, but I WOULD make it to a mile without stopping.
I DID IT! 1 mile...and, I knew I'd busted through my 10 minute goal. I checked my Garmin history...9:43! 9:43??? Wow! My old record was 11:30! How could I have ran 9:43!!!!
I was thrilled! My sil caught up to me & I shared the news. It was because she believed in me that I was able to accomplish this. She said she'd been my rabbit & set me on my pace. As much as that, it was her belief in me that pushed me & helped me make my goal.
After that, she did some drills with me. We did high steps. We ran backwards. And, we did 5 or 6 short, 20 second, all out sprints.
We've done the sprints before & she smoked me. For the first one, she just ran away from me. Hmmmm. 20 seconds isn't long. I can run faster.
So, I did. On the next sprint, I took off, and outran her! A lot! The same happened on the next...and the next! I can sprint! When I checked Garmin, it said my fastest time was a 6 something. Yes!
So, I'll be doing these drills AND a fast (sub 10...right?) mile once a week now. I am scared that I won't be able to do it as fast at home by myself. But, it's a matter of belief...and I know I CAN do it. So, now I have to DO it!
By the way, my quads were so sore yesterday...and this morning! But, they'll get used to it.
I can't wait to see where my running times are during this fall. I see PRs in my future!
How badly do you want it?
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