(photo from friend's iPhone)
So, here are the details...
I woke up at 4:10 wide awake & ready to go. I got to the parking lot about 5:20 and joined my friend/personal trainer (Sara), who was doing her first triathlon, at the bike rack. I went to get my timing chip... and there was a problem. I was #707, and they did NOT have a chip for me! They called over someone in charge & she assigned me a different number & said she would go officially switch it over. (Apparently this did NOT happen as my new #1100 is listed as "unknown participant" and the time is 36 minutes off because they started that chip with the elite wave. Ugh! I'll try to fix this problem on Monday.)
We had lots of time to walk around. We had a great position on the rack - just one rack in and near the bike in/out. We walked that path a few times to make sure we knew where our bikes were racked. We also walked down to the water to look at the buoys, but they weren't up yet. Sara had several friends (she also teaches boot camp) who were there competing - either individually or in relays - so we stopped & talked with them.
As the transition area got set to close, I grabbed my banana & water (I'd already drank a protein drink) and headed towards the port-o-potties. But, as we approached them, we noticed the park bathrooms & got in line there instead. Nice!
After that little necessary trip, we headed to the water to watch the elite wave (6 athletes!) and the men start. We watched several waves (we were #10 of 15) and saw what the mass start would look like. This is an 'in water' start, but about 2/3rds of the swimmers actually got in the deep water & treaded, while the rest stayed nearer the shore where they could stand. We decided we'd be in the latter group!
(Oh... side note... I had STRUGGLED with the decision about whether or not to wear a wetsuit. They are only legal if the temp is 78 or lower. How great for us who didn't wear suits, and those who wanted to, that the water temp was 77.9!!! Legal for them and relatively 'warm' for us! No gasping & shock from the COLD like I felt even last week at 75/76!)
We moved to the start area & my husband & daughter found me! I stopped & hugged/kissed them and thanked them for coming. It was an EARLY day for a weekend!!!
I was a lot less nervous than I expected. At least until we actually got to the water & got the '3 minutes to go'. I waded in to my head and moved my arms & jumped around. I was trying to get used to the chill. It was hard to hear the speaker, but I finally realized he was counting down our last 10 seconds... and then it was time to GO!
I started swimming freestyle. It wasn't long before I was getting 'crawled over'. It's HARD swimming like this! For several minutes, I had ladies hitting my feet and it feels like they are pulling you under. It makes it hard to swim! But, I kept going. Once or twice, I gave a harder kick when I'd gotten hit several times in a row.
Finally, we were spread out enough & I was clear. I was breathing every other stroke... the entire way. That wasn't my plan, but it was all I could do! I was a LOT better at sighting the buoys than I'd been at the clinic, too. I kept going & going... it feels like a LONG time.
After awhile, the next wave caught up with me... and started climbing over me again! What a terrible feeling! I was afraid wave after wave would catch me! I was in a 'pink swimcap' group, and all I could see were yellow caps! I figured, by then, that I was the last pink swimmer. It was kind of upsetting, but I told myself to be proud... I WOULD finish!
About 100 meters from the end, I saw another pink cap near me. YEAH! I wasn't out here all alone. I pushed near the end and swam until my hand hit the ground. Then I got up, and was actually able to run a little! (Unlike the 1st tri.)
I got to my bike rack and saw Sara's bike still there. (She's also in my age group.) So, I knew I wasn't last! She came up while I was putting on my shoes. She had Lock Laces & I didn't, so she got out slightly before me.
I ran with my bike until the MOUNT line. I hopped on and struggled to pedal. It was hard to catch my breath, too. I saw Sara just up ahead. She had to pully over. I asked if she was OK... she needed to adjust her pedal. I don't wear clipless shoes & neither does she. But, she had cages & her feet weren't in them right.
She stayed behind me until about mile 7 when she passed me. I told her I'd keep her in my sight, though. And I did! My hips, especially my left, REALLY started hurting by this point. I was near tears & making faces. I tried adjusting my body and my feet, but I was in a lot of pain. Finally, at around mile 11, I thought I should just try moving faster. I did, and it worked! It relieved the pain! I was able ot pass Sara, too, and stay in front of her for the rest of the bike ride. I saw my husband & daughter near the bike finish. And, again, Sara & I finished so close together that we saw each other at transition.
I racked my bike, took off my helmet, grabbed my sunglasses & visor and 'ran' towards the run exit. I was struggling. I was thinking I could NOT run. Sara caught up with me and we walked and talked. Then we ran and couldn't talk. I could not catch my breath. We kept walking, then running, then walking. At about 1.5 miles I told her she should go out and run. I needed to walk but she looked strong. I told her I wouldn't let her out of my sight. She ran some, but we both kept running & walking. I kept her in sight and she never got too far ahead, but I just couldn't stick with her.
At about mile 2 (of 3.1) I saw 2 other ladies in our age group pass me!!! I SO wanted to run after them and catch them! I tried... I ran a little. They were slow. But, I just couldn't catch them OR Sara. At the last water station, I saw they all 3 got water & walked. So, I kept 'running.' But, it didn't do me a lot of good. I was just so tired.
At about .5 miles to go, I started talking with a male runner. All of the males go before the females start, so he was quite a bit behind. He said it'd been a hard race. I agreed! We both walked & ran some together. When I could finally see the finish line, I started to run. I wanted to walk again, but I didn't let myself. I ran through the finish!!! I did it! I finished the triathlon!!!
(post race photo by dd10)
Here are my times:
500 meter swim 17:01 (3:24 pace...vs 2:41 at 1st tri in pool)
TT1 2:50 (vs 2:21 1st tri)
15 mile bike 58:25 (15.4 mph pace...vs 13.1 mph 1st tri, but that was hillier & very windy)
TT2 1:06 (vs 1:14 1st tri)
5K run 36:45 (vs 40:17 1st tri, but that was hillier)
Biggest news: I can't believe my 5K time. That is a PR for me!!! And, I honestly walked about 1/3rd of the time! Am I really running that much faster???
My goals were:
18 min swim (did 17:01)...yeah!
2 min TT1 (did 2:50)... further from water than figured
58 min bike (did 58:25)...a little disappointed because I thought I was riding faster
2 min TT2 (did 1:14)...actually, I should have realized this would be faster
40 min run (did 36:45)...WOW! My thought is that maybe it was short, but I'll take it!
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