Last night I went on my first local group ride. It is with a local group & is for beginners/intermediates. I invited a friend along, and we had a great time chatting on the ride back & forth! She is a new friend & started riding last year, but has already done a handful of LONG rides, including the MS150 from Houston to Austin.
Well, we got there & the leader, Michael, comes up & introduces himself. He is very friendly & soon all of the riders are congregating around my car as we get ready. There are only 8 of us - 4 guys & 4 gals. And, with Michael's infectious friendliness, everyone is chatting away.
I'd told Michael that I was brand new to clipless, and several people gave me tips. I'd been practicing around my block & was feeling pretty comfortable.
I got a weather report from my hubby that there were storms nearby. The clouds were getting dark & it was cooling off, but it'd been near 100 for the day so it felt great. It started sprinkling then lightly raining while we stood around, but it all felt good!
We finally start to ride. We head towards the street and all stop near the stop sign to exit to the main rode. The 2 in front of me stopped. I unclip my right foot & go real slowly up to them. Then, I realize "Oh, No! I haven't signaled that I'm stopping & I could cause a wreck!" What I think happened next was that I tried to look behind me to my left to see if I was going to make anyone fall. Well, OVER I WENT!!! Bam!!! Ouch!
I laid there for a few seconds & tell everyone I'm OK. My left hip is burning and so is my left forearm. I get up & look. Yuck! LOTS of blood on my arm. My hip...well, it's up too high to really see, so I chose to ignore it. Someone mentions...your right leg is bleeding. Hmmm...chain scractches! About 10 of them...each about an inch to 2 inches long. The middle ones are bleeding the worst.
Someone else says, "Your thigh is scratched!" I look. Yep! A little bloody, but not really bleeding. And, you can see a bruise already.
Back to my's really swollen already.
"Are you OK?" Yes...I'm fine. Two people each produce one bandaid & one antiseptic wipe. We do my arm since it is the worst. Then, I'm RIDE!!!
It's raining lightly and the rain hurts the part of my forearm that isn't bandaged, but I LOVE being out here riding with this group!!!
Less than a mile into it, it thunders. We decide to go a little farther and see if there is any more. Yep! More thunder! Time to head back.
We get back to the parking lot & we only rode 2.3 miles. But, I learned a lot! Biggest lesson: I CAN get back on & finish, even when HURT!
My friend helps me with my medical kit in the car and I get a lot more wiped up. We put on triple antibiotic and a lot more bandaids. Then head home.
Last night, I iced it after talking with my running coach. And, I used hydrogen perioxide & put more triple antibiotic & bandaids on.
This morning, it was still really swollen, and looked really nasty. I decided I needed to see a doctor. I MIGHT need stitches.
Well, here's the report from the doctor's office as I shared on one of my teams:
"Thanks for all of the tips! I ended up seeing a doctor today as I thought I might need stitches on that forearm (I said elbow, but it is really the arm). And, it was really swollen this morning - it was swollen immediately yesterday, too.
Well, the bad news...I waited too late to get stitches! That's a good thing to learn, though. You MUST get the stitches within a few hours!!!
The good news...I didn't NEED stitches. Whew! And, the advice given here was right hydrogen peroxide (though I'd already done that once last night & they said it was OK). Now, I'm supposed to ice it 3-4 times per day & put on antibiotic cream 3-4 times per day. I'm allowed to go back to full activity, as pain allows (which is actually quite painless unless you touch it!), but I'm supposed to change the dressing afterwards & make sure it doesn't get too sweaty. "
I'm taking it easy today. I don't think I'll do any aerobics, though I might try a new pilates video that I just bought. I think the trauma of last night & the fear of the doctor's this morning has me wiped out! Oh...and it's hard to sleep when you're banged up on BOTH sides of your body! So, I'm getting ready to take a nap and then see what the rest of the day has in store!
Take care & don't forget to wear your helmet!!! Now....time to sleep!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
They will tel you "no", and you will tell them "yes!"
SUZWARNR posted an incredible Nike quote that really spoke to me. I gave a pretty emotional response - both through my tears & my words! I thought I'd share it here...
"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. AND YOU WILL TELL THEM YES"
This is a TERRIFIC quote! What was I told that I couldn't do???
...sing solos...and as an adult I get a lot of positive comments when I sing (in the congregation at church, etc), but in the back of my mind I wonder & am still afraid to ever sing a solo! piano 'real' well because my fingers were too short...but I found a piano teacher who taught me (3 years ago!) I just didn't have to play the songs that needed 'big' hands...or I could modify them! I play the piano wonderfully! the past few months, 'you can't run a half marathon!', 'you can't run a triathlon!'...OH YES I CAN!!! And, I DID!!! AND I WILL DO MORE!!! And, yes, it HURTS to hear those things & I want to scream!!! But, my actions are proving that I CAN ACCOMPLISH WHAT I SET OUT TO ACCOMPLISH!
Whew! There's more pain inside than I realized!
What has someone told you you couldn't do??? Are you showing them that YES, you CAN!
As a comment on SUZWARNR's post, my friend SLEEPYDEAN wrote about a shirt that says "I'M DOING IT". YES! I AM doing it! And, I want that shirt!
"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. AND YOU WILL TELL THEM YES"
This is a TERRIFIC quote! What was I told that I couldn't do???
...sing solos...and as an adult I get a lot of positive comments when I sing (in the congregation at church, etc), but in the back of my mind I wonder & am still afraid to ever sing a solo! piano 'real' well because my fingers were too short...but I found a piano teacher who taught me (3 years ago!) I just didn't have to play the songs that needed 'big' hands...or I could modify them! I play the piano wonderfully! the past few months, 'you can't run a half marathon!', 'you can't run a triathlon!'...OH YES I CAN!!! And, I DID!!! AND I WILL DO MORE!!! And, yes, it HURTS to hear those things & I want to scream!!! But, my actions are proving that I CAN ACCOMPLISH WHAT I SET OUT TO ACCOMPLISH!
Whew! There's more pain inside than I realized!
What has someone told you you couldn't do??? Are you showing them that YES, you CAN!
As a comment on SUZWARNR's post, my friend SLEEPYDEAN wrote about a shirt that says "I'M DOING IT". YES! I AM doing it! And, I want that shirt!
4x400 & a 5K PR!!!
On my schedule from my new running coach today was a 4x400 speed workout. I was supposed to run 1 mile as a warmup and 1 mile as a cool down. And, basically, we use the McMillan Running Calculator to figure out how fast I should be going. My times are based on my fastest mile EVER...9:43! (which I did on the beach in June)
Here's an email I sent my coach after today's run. I hope she likes DETAIL!
"Well, I did the 4x400 workout this morning on a treadmill. Boy, was it TOUGH!!! I had to mentally talk myself into sticking with it 4 or 5 times. But, I DID IT!!! And, I set a new PR for a 5K! (though it was on a treadmill, so doesn't quite count the same)
Here's what I did...
I did a warmup mile at a slow (I know!) 4.6, which is a 13:02 pace. This actually seemed kinda slow & I thought about bumping it up, but I knew this was only the beginning!
After 1 mile, I bumped it up to 6.1 (9:50 mile pace, so 2:27.5 pace). HR settled at 63.
Ran 2 mins at 5.0 (12:00 pace)
Ran 2nd .25 miles at 6.1. HR at 65.
Ran 2 mins at 5.0.
Ran 3rd .25 miles at 6.1. HR at 67. (Big mental battle to start this run!)
Ran 2 mins at 5.0. (Big mental battle to not slow this down a LOT, but kept at 5.0!)
Ran 4th .25 miles at 6.1. HR at 69, though got to 71 briefly.
Ran 12 mins (1 mile) at 5.0. Another mental battle! The first few minutes I wanted to STOP!!! But, it actually started feeling almost easier as I went on. My HR was 65 most of this & dropped to 63 the last few mins.
So, all together I ran 3.56 miles (without a SINGLE WALKING STEP!!! AMAZING!!!) in 41:42. My PR for a 5K was from the CB&I triathlon (which was CRAZY as I walked about 1/2 the time...I must have been running fast!) of 36:40. When the treadmill reached 3.1 miles, I was at 36:10!!! 30 seconds off my PR!!! And, when I finished and calculated the LAST 3.1 miles instead of the FIRST (so less of the warm up at 13:00 and more of the faster running at 12:00), I ran 3.1 miles in 35:43!!! That's SO exciting as my 'realistic' 5K goal is 35:00 and my 'dream' 5K goal (in near future) is 33:00! SOMEDAY...I'd like to be under 30:00, but that still seems like a fantasy!
As I mentioned, I did a spin class yesterday, so this run is after a HARD day. (I'm suprisingly not sore!) I'm also going on a group bike ride tonight. I think we're going 16 miles.
I haven't decided what I'm doing for a workout tomorrow. And, I'm still unsure as to whether I'll do my 5 mile run on Friday or Sunday. I'll let you know!
By the way, I'm already looking at the 3x800 run in 2 weeks and thinking...could I??? That sounds TOUGH!!! And, today's run was a BEAST, but I DID IT! Thanks for believing in me!"
Here's an email I sent my coach after today's run. I hope she likes DETAIL!
"Well, I did the 4x400 workout this morning on a treadmill. Boy, was it TOUGH!!! I had to mentally talk myself into sticking with it 4 or 5 times. But, I DID IT!!! And, I set a new PR for a 5K! (though it was on a treadmill, so doesn't quite count the same)
Here's what I did...
I did a warmup mile at a slow (I know!) 4.6, which is a 13:02 pace. This actually seemed kinda slow & I thought about bumping it up, but I knew this was only the beginning!
After 1 mile, I bumped it up to 6.1 (9:50 mile pace, so 2:27.5 pace). HR settled at 63.
Ran 2 mins at 5.0 (12:00 pace)
Ran 2nd .25 miles at 6.1. HR at 65.
Ran 2 mins at 5.0.
Ran 3rd .25 miles at 6.1. HR at 67. (Big mental battle to start this run!)
Ran 2 mins at 5.0. (Big mental battle to not slow this down a LOT, but kept at 5.0!)
Ran 4th .25 miles at 6.1. HR at 69, though got to 71 briefly.
Ran 12 mins (1 mile) at 5.0. Another mental battle! The first few minutes I wanted to STOP!!! But, it actually started feeling almost easier as I went on. My HR was 65 most of this & dropped to 63 the last few mins.
So, all together I ran 3.56 miles (without a SINGLE WALKING STEP!!! AMAZING!!!) in 41:42. My PR for a 5K was from the CB&I triathlon (which was CRAZY as I walked about 1/2 the time...I must have been running fast!) of 36:40. When the treadmill reached 3.1 miles, I was at 36:10!!! 30 seconds off my PR!!! And, when I finished and calculated the LAST 3.1 miles instead of the FIRST (so less of the warm up at 13:00 and more of the faster running at 12:00), I ran 3.1 miles in 35:43!!! That's SO exciting as my 'realistic' 5K goal is 35:00 and my 'dream' 5K goal (in near future) is 33:00! SOMEDAY...I'd like to be under 30:00, but that still seems like a fantasy!
As I mentioned, I did a spin class yesterday, so this run is after a HARD day. (I'm suprisingly not sore!) I'm also going on a group bike ride tonight. I think we're going 16 miles.
I haven't decided what I'm doing for a workout tomorrow. And, I'm still unsure as to whether I'll do my 5 mile run on Friday or Sunday. I'll let you know!
By the way, I'm already looking at the 3x800 run in 2 weeks and thinking...could I??? That sounds TOUGH!!! And, today's run was a BEAST, but I DID IT! Thanks for believing in me!"
Monday, July 25, 2011
Where do I go from here?
I had another great run today. That's 6 in a row!!! Wow!!!
I decided to kind of 'repeat' my great run on the beach from Friday. If you'll remember, I did a mile in incredible time for me! Then, we did some high knees, running backwards, and 15-20 second sprints.
So, I was eager to see if I could run 1 mile in under 10 minutes on my own. I couldn't run until 8 am and it was HOT & sunny. I guess the temperature was 83 or so. (It was 85 at 9 am.) So, I decided to give myself a little bit of a break.
I warmed up for about 2/3rds of a mile and then set off on my run. Well, the first half was GREAT! I was averaging about 9:45! But, after that, it got harder & harder. I wanted to give up several times. It was HARD to keep running for an entire mile. But, I did it...I ran the entire mile! And, I did it pretty well. 10:15. So, no, I didn't break 10 minutes, but I know I CAN...and I WILL again...though maybe when it's cooler!
After that, I sat my watch to run 20 second sprints followed by 2 minute walking breaks. I hadn't used my watch last time so I don't know how fast I was going.
First of all, I think we were only running about 10-15 second sprints on the beach. This seemed like quite a bit longer! And, my quads felt it immediately! I was actually sore for 3 days (up until yesterday!) from my sprint workout last time. But, I felt like I was running FAST!
In fact...on one of my 20 second runs, I felt like I was FLYING! My legs seemed to barely be touching the ground. I felt so FAST! It was amazing!!!
After the 5 sprints, I checked out my speed. Here's what I saw:
6:24 (what??? that's FAST!)
6:20 (& faster!)
5:45 (WooHoo!!!)
5:30 (Me???!!! Going 5:30 for even 20 seconds! Wow!)
6:07 (OK...slowing down a bit, but wow!!)
I was amazed...and thrilled! And, my fastest time period...4:46!!! WOW!!!
I'm just not sure what's going on here! I am feeling so much faster! And, if I can run these kinds of paces for 20 seconds...what could I do in 30 seconds? or a minute? I was thrilled 2 weeks ago when my 2 minute pace got near a 10 minute pace. What am I capable of???
So, I'm not sure where I go from here. As far as the miles, once I've ran one mile near 10 minutes, I can NOT run another mile. I've thought about slowly increasing it and running 1.1 miles... then 1.2...etc. Or, I could try to run .5 miles 3 times...then 4 (with 2 minute breaks).
As far as sprints, do I continue to do 20 second sprints sometimes and 2 miinute sprints at others? Or see if I can keep up that 'fast' pace for 30 seconds...or 40? I feel like I need a coach to lead me right now.
I also just read Bart Yasso's book about his Yasso 800s. My fastest 20 second run hit 322 yards. So, I might be able to do an 800 in under a minute??? You're supposed to work up to 8 of these 800's (I think). Should I start working on 800 yard sprints instead of time? UPDATE: THOSE ARE FEET ON MY GARMIN, NOT YARDS!!! (Oops!)
So many questions! I'm really excited to see myself developing as a runner. I can't wait until fall when I can run some 5Ks. September 11th I'll re-run my first 5K...which I did in 46:30. What will I be able to do it in? And, how will I accomplish it?
I'm just having a lot of fun! I hope you are, too!
I decided to kind of 'repeat' my great run on the beach from Friday. If you'll remember, I did a mile in incredible time for me! Then, we did some high knees, running backwards, and 15-20 second sprints.
So, I was eager to see if I could run 1 mile in under 10 minutes on my own. I couldn't run until 8 am and it was HOT & sunny. I guess the temperature was 83 or so. (It was 85 at 9 am.) So, I decided to give myself a little bit of a break.
I warmed up for about 2/3rds of a mile and then set off on my run. Well, the first half was GREAT! I was averaging about 9:45! But, after that, it got harder & harder. I wanted to give up several times. It was HARD to keep running for an entire mile. But, I did it...I ran the entire mile! And, I did it pretty well. 10:15. So, no, I didn't break 10 minutes, but I know I CAN...and I WILL again...though maybe when it's cooler!
After that, I sat my watch to run 20 second sprints followed by 2 minute walking breaks. I hadn't used my watch last time so I don't know how fast I was going.
First of all, I think we were only running about 10-15 second sprints on the beach. This seemed like quite a bit longer! And, my quads felt it immediately! I was actually sore for 3 days (up until yesterday!) from my sprint workout last time. But, I felt like I was running FAST!
In fact...on one of my 20 second runs, I felt like I was FLYING! My legs seemed to barely be touching the ground. I felt so FAST! It was amazing!!!
After the 5 sprints, I checked out my speed. Here's what I saw:
6:24 (what??? that's FAST!)
6:20 (& faster!)
5:45 (WooHoo!!!)
5:30 (Me???!!! Going 5:30 for even 20 seconds! Wow!)
6:07 (OK...slowing down a bit, but wow!!)
I was amazed...and thrilled! And, my fastest time period...4:46!!! WOW!!!
I'm just not sure what's going on here! I am feeling so much faster! And, if I can run these kinds of paces for 20 seconds...what could I do in 30 seconds? or a minute? I was thrilled 2 weeks ago when my 2 minute pace got near a 10 minute pace. What am I capable of???
So, I'm not sure where I go from here. As far as the miles, once I've ran one mile near 10 minutes, I can NOT run another mile. I've thought about slowly increasing it and running 1.1 miles... then 1.2...etc. Or, I could try to run .5 miles 3 times...then 4 (with 2 minute breaks).
As far as sprints, do I continue to do 20 second sprints sometimes and 2 miinute sprints at others? Or see if I can keep up that 'fast' pace for 30 seconds...or 40? I feel like I need a coach to lead me right now.
I also just read Bart Yasso's book about his Yasso 800s. My fastest 20 second run hit 322 yards. So, I might be able to do an 800 in under a minute??? You're supposed to work up to 8 of these 800's (I think). Should I start working on 800 yard sprints instead of time? UPDATE: THOSE ARE FEET ON MY GARMIN, NOT YARDS!!! (Oops!)
So many questions! I'm really excited to see myself developing as a runner. I can't wait until fall when I can run some 5Ks. September 11th I'll re-run my first 5K...which I did in 46:30. What will I be able to do it in? And, how will I accomplish it?
I'm just having a lot of fun! I hope you are, too!
Are you pushing yourself enough? I'm not!
When I lift weights, I feel I really push myself. When I run, I thought I was pushing myself. But, my running coach thinks I'm being too comfortable! And, from today & the past couple of months, I think she's right!
Today was a TREADMILL TEST. Kinda scary. I was a little afraid that I might push myself TOO hard and hurt myself. But, I didn't. In fact, my results showed my maximum HR was 171. My coach says, that with my age my max HR should be 179! And that's for a non-athlete! I think that means I quit too soon. Let me tell you about the test, though...
First, I needed to do a warmup on the treadmill. She wanted to start me at a 5.5. 5.5??? That's an 11:00 pace! That's quicker than my usual run! I settled in at a nice 13:00 pace. Left to my own, I would have done about a 14:00 pace.
I was supposed to warmup for 10 minutes. For the last 2 minutes, she 'pushed' me to go 5.0 or a 12:00 pace. It was actually fine after that original 8 minutes.
After that, I got a 2 minute rest. Then the real test would begin. She would start me at a 5.0 (12:00) pace, then bump me up by .2 every minute. She would record my HR and my RPE (rate of perceived exertion). When I felt I could not go on any longer, I was to hit the stop button - but try to give her a minute warning.
I started running. I totally ignored the numbers. I didn't want to scare myself! We were starting at a 12:00 pace which is about where I usually run. I was scared to see how fast we would get...or how high my HR would get!
Of course it got harder & harder, but not as quickly as I imagined. I started breathing heavier & heavier & she told me to breathe in through my nose & out through my mouth & to imagine all of my cells receiving oxygen. It helped! But, 'eventually' (at about 10 minutes), I told her I was about ready to stop...I would finish up the last minute.
I finished! Whew!!! I had to walk around for 3-4 minutes. Very winded!
She asked if I'd seen the results. No, I hadn't been watching. Well, my fastest minute was 7.0 (8:34)! Pretty good! But, my HR was only 71, and like I mentioned...I probably could have kept going. I was, like I said, a little scared to push myself too hard.
After that we talked quite awhile and went over my running schedule, particularly for this week. She is working with me for 7 weeks leading up to a 5K...the 5K that was my 'first' last year after completeing C25K (couch to 5K). I'm hoping to get a WONDERFUL time for me.
She said we had 3 miles on today's plan, so I could go back and do 1 more mile if I wanted. I wanted.
Since the 5.0 had scared me before, I decided to start there. I think I was supposed to be doing intervals (though now I'm questioning that...better recheck!), so I came up with this 2 mins at 12:00 (5.0) then 1 min at 11:00 (5.5) and repeat 4 times. That'd be close to a mile. One BIG thing she wants me to start doing is RUN SLOWER when I need a break, not WALK! (This'll be HARD!)
So, I did it. Run slower 2, run faster 1, run 2 slower, run faster 1...HEY!!! The 'run slower' DOES feel like a recovery!!!
And, I'm feeling pretty good! Maybe I can bump up my run to 10:00 (6.0)!
Run slower 2, run faster (10:00) 1, run slower 2, run faster slower 2 (to cool down). COOL!!! I did it!! And, in my 14 mins, I ran (without walking) 1.22 miles. That's an 11:29 pace. That's pretty good for me! But, I KNOW I can do better. Just wait until NEXT TIME!!!
Today was a TREADMILL TEST. Kinda scary. I was a little afraid that I might push myself TOO hard and hurt myself. But, I didn't. In fact, my results showed my maximum HR was 171. My coach says, that with my age my max HR should be 179! And that's for a non-athlete! I think that means I quit too soon. Let me tell you about the test, though...
First, I needed to do a warmup on the treadmill. She wanted to start me at a 5.5. 5.5??? That's an 11:00 pace! That's quicker than my usual run! I settled in at a nice 13:00 pace. Left to my own, I would have done about a 14:00 pace.
I was supposed to warmup for 10 minutes. For the last 2 minutes, she 'pushed' me to go 5.0 or a 12:00 pace. It was actually fine after that original 8 minutes.
After that, I got a 2 minute rest. Then the real test would begin. She would start me at a 5.0 (12:00) pace, then bump me up by .2 every minute. She would record my HR and my RPE (rate of perceived exertion). When I felt I could not go on any longer, I was to hit the stop button - but try to give her a minute warning.
I started running. I totally ignored the numbers. I didn't want to scare myself! We were starting at a 12:00 pace which is about where I usually run. I was scared to see how fast we would get...or how high my HR would get!
Of course it got harder & harder, but not as quickly as I imagined. I started breathing heavier & heavier & she told me to breathe in through my nose & out through my mouth & to imagine all of my cells receiving oxygen. It helped! But, 'eventually' (at about 10 minutes), I told her I was about ready to stop...I would finish up the last minute.
I finished! Whew!!! I had to walk around for 3-4 minutes. Very winded!
She asked if I'd seen the results. No, I hadn't been watching. Well, my fastest minute was 7.0 (8:34)! Pretty good! But, my HR was only 71, and like I mentioned...I probably could have kept going. I was, like I said, a little scared to push myself too hard.
After that we talked quite awhile and went over my running schedule, particularly for this week. She is working with me for 7 weeks leading up to a 5K...the 5K that was my 'first' last year after completeing C25K (couch to 5K). I'm hoping to get a WONDERFUL time for me.
She said we had 3 miles on today's plan, so I could go back and do 1 more mile if I wanted. I wanted.
Since the 5.0 had scared me before, I decided to start there. I think I was supposed to be doing intervals (though now I'm questioning that...better recheck!), so I came up with this 2 mins at 12:00 (5.0) then 1 min at 11:00 (5.5) and repeat 4 times. That'd be close to a mile. One BIG thing she wants me to start doing is RUN SLOWER when I need a break, not WALK! (This'll be HARD!)
So, I did it. Run slower 2, run faster 1, run 2 slower, run faster 1...HEY!!! The 'run slower' DOES feel like a recovery!!!
And, I'm feeling pretty good! Maybe I can bump up my run to 10:00 (6.0)!
Run slower 2, run faster (10:00) 1, run slower 2, run faster slower 2 (to cool down). COOL!!! I did it!! And, in my 14 mins, I ran (without walking) 1.22 miles. That's an 11:29 pace. That's pretty good for me! But, I KNOW I can do better. Just wait until NEXT TIME!!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Today I got my bike out of the garage. How excited it must have been! She's just sat there with air slowly leaking out of her tires for almost 2 months. Shame on me! But...I'm back into training mode!!! I have faithfully worked out 6 days/week for the past 1.5 weeks! And, with races scheduled through January 15th, I have a lot of training to do!
I find riding my bike by myself kind of boring. On the other hand, I find running by myself to be a wonderful 'me time!' I think part of it is because I don't let myself listen to music while riding. And, often, I get one song 'stuck' in my head. It keeps me steady, but it's kind of aggravating, too!
Today I only planned on riding about 30 minutes as I have a treadmill test tomorrow with my new running coach. (I'm excited!) I actually almost didn't go out. I just didn't 'feel like it' and I wasn't sure how this might affect tomorrow's performance. But, I am trying to train 6 days per week and I REALLY want to get back into cycling! So, I got up and went out there and aired up my poor, almost empty, tires.
I warmed up for about a mile or so...then I decided to try some SPEED WORK! This is something I've been incorporating a LOT in my running the past few months, but haven't really tried on my bike. I kind of just made it up as I rode, but here's what I did...I rode 1.5 miles "FAST" (meaning 15-16 mph) and then 0.5 miles "slow" (meaning 12-13 mph). I did this basically 3 times.
I ended up riding a total of 7 miles in 30:28 for an average pace of 13.79 mph. That's pretty good for me. I'm trying to build up to where my average pace is 15-16 mph! It'll come, right?!
I find riding my bike by myself kind of boring. On the other hand, I find running by myself to be a wonderful 'me time!' I think part of it is because I don't let myself listen to music while riding. And, often, I get one song 'stuck' in my head. It keeps me steady, but it's kind of aggravating, too!
Today I only planned on riding about 30 minutes as I have a treadmill test tomorrow with my new running coach. (I'm excited!) I actually almost didn't go out. I just didn't 'feel like it' and I wasn't sure how this might affect tomorrow's performance. But, I am trying to train 6 days per week and I REALLY want to get back into cycling! So, I got up and went out there and aired up my poor, almost empty, tires.
I warmed up for about a mile or so...then I decided to try some SPEED WORK! This is something I've been incorporating a LOT in my running the past few months, but haven't really tried on my bike. I kind of just made it up as I rode, but here's what I did...I rode 1.5 miles "FAST" (meaning 15-16 mph) and then 0.5 miles "slow" (meaning 12-13 mph). I did this basically 3 times.
I ended up riding a total of 7 miles in 30:28 for an average pace of 13.79 mph. That's pretty good for me. I'm trying to build up to where my average pace is 15-16 mph! It'll come, right?!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
"Long Run" of 4 Miles
It seems like it's been awhile since my long runs were 'only' 4 miles. In late April through early June, I'd worked up to long runs of 6-8.5 miles. But, then the HEAT & the vacations happened. So, I've not been doing 'long' runs.
Today, though, was my 2nd run with my new running group. (It's part of USA Fit...I think they might have branches around the country.) Anyway, I ran with the HM group last week, since I'm only preparing to run a HM (well, actually 3 HMs!). But, today I tried out the marathon group. It put my long run at 4 miles in stead of 2. But, with a start time of 7:15 am, it was already in the low 80's...and in the mid 80's when we finished!
I started off on my own, but hooked up with another lady after about .5 miles. We stayed together the rest of the time. It was great to have a running buddy, and we really helped each other out!
She has been with the group for 6 years! She has trained for a marathon for the past 5 or 6 years, and yet always ended up injured so never actually ran one! She's trying again, and I hope she makes it. This year, she said she's adding strength training (ST)- something she hasn't done in the past. I hope it helps her to train without injuries! I DO think ST is very important to endurance running.
We made it through about 1.7 miles wihout walking. I was going to try to make it to mile 2, but she suggested a 1 minute walk. We walked. We ended up walking for 1 minute four different times. I think I could have skipped the last walk, but her hip was starting to feel a little something and I'd rather stick with her.
We ended up running an average of 12:51 for each of the four miles. That's a pretty normal 'long run' pace for me, though I hope to get down around 12:00 when the cooler weather hits! Although we were trying to stay pretty consistant and not start too fast, we did get slower with each mile...12:09, 12:40, 13:09, 13:27. There were also several hills - especially during the 2nd & 3rd miles, so that accounts for part of it. And, the 2nd & 3rd mile had a lot more sun than the 1st & 4th.
I'm enjoying being part of a group. Today, I think I would have walked a lot more if others hadn't been around me! Oh, and I won a 'door prize!' Our local shoe store was there for a weekly talk (different speakers each week - neat!) and I won a water bottle filled with goodies - a pair of socks, 2 gels, 2 nutrition bars, and a lipbalm. Cool!
Today, though, was my 2nd run with my new running group. (It's part of USA Fit...I think they might have branches around the country.) Anyway, I ran with the HM group last week, since I'm only preparing to run a HM (well, actually 3 HMs!). But, today I tried out the marathon group. It put my long run at 4 miles in stead of 2. But, with a start time of 7:15 am, it was already in the low 80's...and in the mid 80's when we finished!
I started off on my own, but hooked up with another lady after about .5 miles. We stayed together the rest of the time. It was great to have a running buddy, and we really helped each other out!
She has been with the group for 6 years! She has trained for a marathon for the past 5 or 6 years, and yet always ended up injured so never actually ran one! She's trying again, and I hope she makes it. This year, she said she's adding strength training (ST)- something she hasn't done in the past. I hope it helps her to train without injuries! I DO think ST is very important to endurance running.
We made it through about 1.7 miles wihout walking. I was going to try to make it to mile 2, but she suggested a 1 minute walk. We walked. We ended up walking for 1 minute four different times. I think I could have skipped the last walk, but her hip was starting to feel a little something and I'd rather stick with her.
We ended up running an average of 12:51 for each of the four miles. That's a pretty normal 'long run' pace for me, though I hope to get down around 12:00 when the cooler weather hits! Although we were trying to stay pretty consistant and not start too fast, we did get slower with each mile...12:09, 12:40, 13:09, 13:27. There were also several hills - especially during the 2nd & 3rd miles, so that accounts for part of it. And, the 2nd & 3rd mile had a lot more sun than the 1st & 4th.
I'm enjoying being part of a group. Today, I think I would have walked a lot more if others hadn't been around me! Oh, and I won a 'door prize!' Our local shoe store was there for a weekly talk (different speakers each week - neat!) and I won a water bottle filled with goodies - a pair of socks, 2 gels, 2 nutrition bars, and a lipbalm. Cool!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
New Running Coach & Pilates Reformer
So, I went for an initial consult with a running coach today. She is the same coach who talked me back into the water after I panicked during an open water swim clinic before my sprint triathlon. She trains both runners & triathletes.
The consult went very well! She showed me some plans she'd created for other runners. She is very detailed and lays out each days workout including distance and speed. I liked it! My main goal, right now, is to increase SPEED! So, I signed up for a 7 week program which will take me to a local 5K...the same 5K that was my first 5K last year after I finished C25K (Couch to 5K). Last year, I did it in 46:30. This year, I HOPE to break 35 minutes! My current PR is 36:40.
After discussing the training, she gave me a free 30 minute pilates reformer sessions. WOW! I've never done pilates before, and I REALLY enjoyed it! I felt I had a wonderful stretch AND strengthening time! I will be doing some pilates with her...starting next week! I might do this instead of my 'regular' personal trainer, which I haven't had since early May.
I'm excitedly waiting for my new schedule. I think it'll start on Monday. In the meantime, I go to my 2nd group run on Saturday...IF we don't head to the lake! I decided to run with the marathon group - at least to give it a try - as the half marathon group is only doing 2 miles. The marathon group is running 4 miles on Saturday.
Besides doing the pilates reformer next week, I'm doing a TREADMILL TEST with my trainer on Monday! I'm excited to see what that 'shows' us. Another part of the plan, which I'll use in the next week or two, is a track session with her. I'm interested in what she can teach me!
I had a great workout today! I did Wii Active 2 'cardio burning - hard', which I've never done before. It took about 52 minutes and I burned almost 275 calories. And, it was HARD!!! And, then later in the afternoon, I did the pilates I mentioned earlier.
Tomorrow morning I'll run! I'm going to do some kind of speed work. I might work on either 20 second runs or 400 meters...I'm not sure yet. It'll be nice when it is all laid out for me and I don't have to think so much about it... just DO IT!
The consult went very well! She showed me some plans she'd created for other runners. She is very detailed and lays out each days workout including distance and speed. I liked it! My main goal, right now, is to increase SPEED! So, I signed up for a 7 week program which will take me to a local 5K...the same 5K that was my first 5K last year after I finished C25K (Couch to 5K). Last year, I did it in 46:30. This year, I HOPE to break 35 minutes! My current PR is 36:40.
After discussing the training, she gave me a free 30 minute pilates reformer sessions. WOW! I've never done pilates before, and I REALLY enjoyed it! I felt I had a wonderful stretch AND strengthening time! I will be doing some pilates with her...starting next week! I might do this instead of my 'regular' personal trainer, which I haven't had since early May.
I'm excitedly waiting for my new schedule. I think it'll start on Monday. In the meantime, I go to my 2nd group run on Saturday...IF we don't head to the lake! I decided to run with the marathon group - at least to give it a try - as the half marathon group is only doing 2 miles. The marathon group is running 4 miles on Saturday.
Besides doing the pilates reformer next week, I'm doing a TREADMILL TEST with my trainer on Monday! I'm excited to see what that 'shows' us. Another part of the plan, which I'll use in the next week or two, is a track session with her. I'm interested in what she can teach me!
I had a great workout today! I did Wii Active 2 'cardio burning - hard', which I've never done before. It took about 52 minutes and I burned almost 275 calories. And, it was HARD!!! And, then later in the afternoon, I did the pilates I mentioned earlier.
Tomorrow morning I'll run! I'm going to do some kind of speed work. I might work on either 20 second runs or 400 meters...I'm not sure yet. It'll be nice when it is all laid out for me and I don't have to think so much about it... just DO IT!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
1st Group Run!
So, yesterday I signed up for a running group which culminates in a half marathon (or marathon) in January here in Houston. I am running the HM that day, so I signed up for that group. I was just a little nervous as it actually started last week but I was out of town.
When I got there, people were smiling, but no one approached me. After several minutes, another 'blue group' member came up to me and we started talking. Terry just joined this week, too. She HATES running, but knows it is good for her. She ran a HM 10 years ago and hasn't run much since. I shared some of my story with her and she said she was inspired. (That always makes me feel good and I hope I DO inspire others!)
So, last week the HM ('blue group') just ran a mile and this week it was 1.5 miles. It was already hot, even at 7:30 am...82 degrees. We ran out & back. I kept up with 'the leaders' for about the first .5 miles then had to slow down. I was determined to run the entire first mile - and I did! It was about 11:40. I then walked for a little bit (a minute?) until I heard some runners coming up behind me. (Oh, there are about 16 or so in our group). I was determined to start running again and stick with them. There were 2 men and one of them stopped running shortly after I started running again. I tried & tried to stick with this guy, but I finally had to walk again. I ended up doing the 1.5 miles in about 17:30 - not bad for me.
Afterwards, there are usually seminars. Today, though, it was just an introduction - how to stay safe, introducing coaches (each group has a head coach and several assistants), etc. We will always try to be done with the runs by 8 am & the seminars are over by 8:30 or 9. I'll be missing quite a few weeks as we are often at the lakehouse, but I'll do as many runs as I can!
When I got home, I used the password to see the entire 6 month schedule. Hmmm...the HM group's mileage picks up VERY SLOWLY! I'm not sure this will work! If I stick with this group, I'll have to do 'long runs' during the week!
So, I emailed the coaches a few minutes ago. I'm thinking about switching to the Red Group - the 'slow' marathon group. They actually only have 3 runs that are over 13 miles and the miles pick up fast enough for me to be ready for my first HM in November. So, I'm waiting to hear from them! I'm just 'afraid' that I'll be the slowest one in the group! It was kind of nice, today, to be decidedly middle of the pack...something I haven't had before! (I'm always near the back).
I'll let you all know how it is going! I think this'll be a lot of fun - making friends and running together. And, when we compete, we wear matching, very BOLD, shirts! We can cheer each other on. I'm excited!!!
I also heard back from my potential coach. I'm really thinking about adding her, too, even if just to help me plan out the rest of my week. She would give me actual paces and distances and can work one-on-one with me as needed. We'll see! I'll at least do the initial consult - hopefully early next week!
If she's just helping me with running, I also want to get a personal trainer for strength training like I had before. I'll have to be looking for that, too....or I might stick to group workouts as I'll have more time on my hands when school starts. I enjoy both - the one-on-one AND the class atmospheres. So, we'll see!
I'm off to the lake in awhile...and hoping to waterski some more!!! Have a great weekend! And, for those of your racing, have a GREAT RACE!!! (And, remember to hydrate!)
When I got there, people were smiling, but no one approached me. After several minutes, another 'blue group' member came up to me and we started talking. Terry just joined this week, too. She HATES running, but knows it is good for her. She ran a HM 10 years ago and hasn't run much since. I shared some of my story with her and she said she was inspired. (That always makes me feel good and I hope I DO inspire others!)
So, last week the HM ('blue group') just ran a mile and this week it was 1.5 miles. It was already hot, even at 7:30 am...82 degrees. We ran out & back. I kept up with 'the leaders' for about the first .5 miles then had to slow down. I was determined to run the entire first mile - and I did! It was about 11:40. I then walked for a little bit (a minute?) until I heard some runners coming up behind me. (Oh, there are about 16 or so in our group). I was determined to start running again and stick with them. There were 2 men and one of them stopped running shortly after I started running again. I tried & tried to stick with this guy, but I finally had to walk again. I ended up doing the 1.5 miles in about 17:30 - not bad for me.
Afterwards, there are usually seminars. Today, though, it was just an introduction - how to stay safe, introducing coaches (each group has a head coach and several assistants), etc. We will always try to be done with the runs by 8 am & the seminars are over by 8:30 or 9. I'll be missing quite a few weeks as we are often at the lakehouse, but I'll do as many runs as I can!
When I got home, I used the password to see the entire 6 month schedule. Hmmm...the HM group's mileage picks up VERY SLOWLY! I'm not sure this will work! If I stick with this group, I'll have to do 'long runs' during the week!
So, I emailed the coaches a few minutes ago. I'm thinking about switching to the Red Group - the 'slow' marathon group. They actually only have 3 runs that are over 13 miles and the miles pick up fast enough for me to be ready for my first HM in November. So, I'm waiting to hear from them! I'm just 'afraid' that I'll be the slowest one in the group! It was kind of nice, today, to be decidedly middle of the pack...something I haven't had before! (I'm always near the back).
I'll let you all know how it is going! I think this'll be a lot of fun - making friends and running together. And, when we compete, we wear matching, very BOLD, shirts! We can cheer each other on. I'm excited!!!
I also heard back from my potential coach. I'm really thinking about adding her, too, even if just to help me plan out the rest of my week. She would give me actual paces and distances and can work one-on-one with me as needed. We'll see! I'll at least do the initial consult - hopefully early next week!
If she's just helping me with running, I also want to get a personal trainer for strength training like I had before. I'll have to be looking for that, too....or I might stick to group workouts as I'll have more time on my hands when school starts. I enjoy both - the one-on-one AND the class atmospheres. So, we'll see!
I'm off to the lake in awhile...and hoping to waterski some more!!! Have a great weekend! And, for those of your racing, have a GREAT RACE!!! (And, remember to hydrate!)
Friday, July 15, 2011
My Goals & Upcoming Races (as shared with perspective running coach)
I contacted a possible running coach today. She told me to send her a detailed email about my goals. This is what I sent her...
Thanks for the phone call! I did have a little trouble with our phone connection, so please forgive me if I ask something you covered!
As I mentioned, my paces are pretty 'slow'. I record all of my training on beginnertriathlete, though I'm behind as we've been on 2 vacations this month. Anyway, my long pace is slower than I thought...the last three 8 milers have been at a 12:41, 13:08, and 13:08 pace. I practically always have negative splits. My fastest mile ever was 9:43 and I've had only a few others below 11:00, though all in the past month.
My main goal, at this point, is to get FASTER. I've proven to myself that I can do a half marathon, though I did a run/walk last November (2:57 time). I now run instead of run/walk. Now I want to get faster so I can eventually do a marathon and it would be under 5 hrs!
I also have a goal of getting my 5K under 33 minutes, to start, and then under 30 minutes. My current 5K PR is 36:45 which I ran during the CB&I sprint tri.
My upcoming races:
Sep 11 - local highschool 5K - last year I did this in 46:30 and I want at least 10 minutes off...preferrably under 33 minutes! I recently did a 2 miler in under 22 minutes
Oct 1 - Komen 5K (another repeat from last year) Just want to run this again as my grandmother and grandmother-in-law both had breast cancer
Oct 8 - Ten for Texas (10 miler)
Nov 13 - San Antonio RnR HM - practice race
Dec 4 - Vegas RnR HM - again, this is mainly for fun & vacation with hubby & to qualify for Half Maniacs!
Jan 15 - Houston HM - I would LOVE to break 2:30!!!
As I mentioned, I've been with trainers most of the past year, but quit after the CB&I sprint triathlon. Both trainers were mainly for strength training once per week, though one of them added quite a bit of cardio, too.
So, what do I want?
1. To get faster. Yes, I'd like it very detailed. I'm very good at pushing myself to meet a goal - especially someone else's expectations. I'm not sure I'm pushing myself enough sometimes. I ran with my sister-in-law last month and asked her to help me beat my fastest mile of 11:30. I thought maybe I could run 11:07. She told me I could break 10:00. I did a 9:43. I had WAY underestimated my abilities!
2. To get ready for my various runs. My "A" races are the highschool 5K on Sept 11th and the Houston HM on Jan 15th.
3. To get stronger (strength trianing/pilates) and prevent injuries.
4. To continue to bike & swim to prepare for triathlons next spring/summer and possibly the MS150 (2 day, 180 mile bike ride).
5. To be in great shape so I can enjoy other sports & activities! (For example, I just learned to waterski, at age 41, 2 weeks ago!!!)
Thanks for the phone call! I did have a little trouble with our phone connection, so please forgive me if I ask something you covered!
As I mentioned, my paces are pretty 'slow'. I record all of my training on beginnertriathlete, though I'm behind as we've been on 2 vacations this month. Anyway, my long pace is slower than I thought...the last three 8 milers have been at a 12:41, 13:08, and 13:08 pace. I practically always have negative splits. My fastest mile ever was 9:43 and I've had only a few others below 11:00, though all in the past month.
My main goal, at this point, is to get FASTER. I've proven to myself that I can do a half marathon, though I did a run/walk last November (2:57 time). I now run instead of run/walk. Now I want to get faster so I can eventually do a marathon and it would be under 5 hrs!
I also have a goal of getting my 5K under 33 minutes, to start, and then under 30 minutes. My current 5K PR is 36:45 which I ran during the CB&I sprint tri.
My upcoming races:
Sep 11 - local highschool 5K - last year I did this in 46:30 and I want at least 10 minutes off...preferrably under 33 minutes! I recently did a 2 miler in under 22 minutes
Oct 1 - Komen 5K (another repeat from last year) Just want to run this again as my grandmother and grandmother-in-law both had breast cancer
Oct 8 - Ten for Texas (10 miler)
Nov 13 - San Antonio RnR HM - practice race
Dec 4 - Vegas RnR HM - again, this is mainly for fun & vacation with hubby & to qualify for Half Maniacs!
Jan 15 - Houston HM - I would LOVE to break 2:30!!!
As I mentioned, I've been with trainers most of the past year, but quit after the CB&I sprint triathlon. Both trainers were mainly for strength training once per week, though one of them added quite a bit of cardio, too.
So, what do I want?
1. To get faster. Yes, I'd like it very detailed. I'm very good at pushing myself to meet a goal - especially someone else's expectations. I'm not sure I'm pushing myself enough sometimes. I ran with my sister-in-law last month and asked her to help me beat my fastest mile of 11:30. I thought maybe I could run 11:07. She told me I could break 10:00. I did a 9:43. I had WAY underestimated my abilities!
2. To get ready for my various runs. My "A" races are the highschool 5K on Sept 11th and the Houston HM on Jan 15th.
3. To get stronger (strength trianing/pilates) and prevent injuries.
4. To continue to bike & swim to prepare for triathlons next spring/summer and possibly the MS150 (2 day, 180 mile bike ride).
5. To be in great shape so I can enjoy other sports & activities! (For example, I just learned to waterski, at age 41, 2 weeks ago!!!)
My Plans & Fears
Here's an email I sent my sister-in-law today. She's now scheduled to run her first marathon in less than 90 days. She's also starting to consider an IronMan triathlon and sent me a link to a blog about 4 moms training for an IM in 2012.
Wow! I read the entire blog...pretty impressive. As far as triathlons...for me, the swimming is just plain HARD! I was fine in the pool. It gets kind of relaxing and it's so quiet when you practice. But, I do find it more 'boring' than running & swimming. And, when I did my OWS (open water swim) practice & the real tri in the lake, yikes! It is downright SCARY! I felt like I could drown, and I've never had that kind of panic before.
I guess it's just a matter of getting used to it. People actually practice OWS with others close beside you - even knocking into you on purpose. At this point, I can kind of imagine running for 26.2 miles or biking for 112, but I can NOT imagine swimming one inch farther than I already did!
Yes, I'm scared to do it again! So, my friend who has done sprint tris says I need to get back there and do it again. But, at this point, I'm saying 'why'? I don't care if I ever swim least at this point in time.
I know one of the ladies on the blog said she could only doggy paddle when she started in '08, I believe. Maybe I just need to train with a real group. I'm undecided as to what I'm doing beyond the 3 half marathons I have planned for Nov-Jan. I was going to then train for the MS150 (180 miles in 2 days) in April, but I try to do most of my training on 'my' time instead of family time. But, there's just no way around it when training for those kinds of distances...I'd have to do long rides on Sats &/or Suns for about 10 weeks. So I'm undecided.
If I don't start training for MS150, I will probably join a group and start trianing for some more tris in the spring/summer. But, I'd just HAVE TO be more comfortable in the water before I do another tri with an OWS.
Oh, and I ran this morning. First time ever that I didn't eat or drink before hand - plus I didn't bring any water. Well, I paid for it! After 1st mile, I got really dizzy & lightheaded...felt faint. It happened again after 2nd mile. So, I just ended up walking the 3rd mile. Felt much better after about 5 mins, some water & a banana. Lesson learned!
Have a great day! I still plan on doing some ST or pilates today, too.
Wow! I read the entire blog...pretty impressive. As far as triathlons...for me, the swimming is just plain HARD! I was fine in the pool. It gets kind of relaxing and it's so quiet when you practice. But, I do find it more 'boring' than running & swimming. And, when I did my OWS (open water swim) practice & the real tri in the lake, yikes! It is downright SCARY! I felt like I could drown, and I've never had that kind of panic before.
I guess it's just a matter of getting used to it. People actually practice OWS with others close beside you - even knocking into you on purpose. At this point, I can kind of imagine running for 26.2 miles or biking for 112, but I can NOT imagine swimming one inch farther than I already did!
Yes, I'm scared to do it again! So, my friend who has done sprint tris says I need to get back there and do it again. But, at this point, I'm saying 'why'? I don't care if I ever swim least at this point in time.
I know one of the ladies on the blog said she could only doggy paddle when she started in '08, I believe. Maybe I just need to train with a real group. I'm undecided as to what I'm doing beyond the 3 half marathons I have planned for Nov-Jan. I was going to then train for the MS150 (180 miles in 2 days) in April, but I try to do most of my training on 'my' time instead of family time. But, there's just no way around it when training for those kinds of distances...I'd have to do long rides on Sats &/or Suns for about 10 weeks. So I'm undecided.
If I don't start training for MS150, I will probably join a group and start trianing for some more tris in the spring/summer. But, I'd just HAVE TO be more comfortable in the water before I do another tri with an OWS.
Oh, and I ran this morning. First time ever that I didn't eat or drink before hand - plus I didn't bring any water. Well, I paid for it! After 1st mile, I got really dizzy & lightheaded...felt faint. It happened again after 2nd mile. So, I just ended up walking the 3rd mile. Felt much better after about 5 mins, some water & a banana. Lesson learned!
Have a great day! I still plan on doing some ST or pilates today, too.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Another 1st...waterskiing!!!
This weekend I learned to waterski! Yep! I'm 41, and I've tried twice before (about ages 10 & 17), but I actually learned to waterski this weekend!
Yesterday was my first try. One of my husband's friends was my coach. He got in the water with me and told me what to do and held my skis for me.
On my first try, I got pulled a little. He told me I needed to let the rope pull me up - not try to stand up. By the 3rd try, I got up and went a little ways. Yes! By the 4th try, I went far enough that they picked up my 'coach' and I was on my own. On my 5th try, I was skiing!!! I went for several minutes. WOW!!! What a feeling!
I had one more 'failed' attempt and one more successful ride. It was amazing!
Today we went again...after a HARD, 2 mile run. I had my fastest 2 miler EVER! (with my neighbor who is 61 and a FAST runner!) My goal: to learn to steer!
My first attempt was another 'failure', but I got up on the 2nd try...and skiied for a long time! I was even steering myself! I would go from one wake to the other! But, I was afraid to go over the wake. Finally, when we turned around, I went over the 'low' wake. Wow! I was even able to stay up while I went back over the wake. (I didn't know this was a 'no-no'! I was going on the inside of the boat's turn! Not safe...lesson learned.)
Anyway, I finally wiped out and I was DONE. I was so tired.
I woke up this morning with some aches and pains. Well, after the 2 miler and the long ski session...I'm SO SORE!!! I have a hurt ankle, a sore thigh, and my back is in prettty bad shape. I'm having trouble standing up, but feel fine when I'm sitting. **sigh** I guess I forgot how old I am!
But, I'm thrilled with my waterskiing. I can't WAIT to do it again!!!
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